Writing the perfect cover letter
How to write the perfect cover letter… A widely discussed topic! Here at Nordic Jobs Worldwide, we see lots of cover letters from candidates for many different positions every day, and while there are certainly many different ways of putting together a great cover letter, there are certain tips and tricks to make your cover letter stand out!
Now, the thing that makes writing a “perfect” cover letter so tricky is that there is no such thing as a perfect cover letter. It depends entirely on the specific job you are applying for, the industry, the company, your personality – and of course, the eyes looking at it. Your cover letter may, however, be what makes or breaks your application and may influence whether you get called in for an interview or not. So let’s dive into our tips and tricks to writing a great cover letter!
Make sure you catch your reader’s attention within the first few sentences of your cover letter. You can do this by highlighting your biggest achievements, your latest experience, or what your key skills are. You can use this information to create an intriguing headline – and then elaborate what makes this achievement special in a short paragraph.
Don’t just use a generic cover letter you have found on the internet – make sure the reader can tell you have put effort into your application. Recruiters have a 6th sense when it comes to this, and will be able to tell straight away if you have put effort into your layout. That is not to say you can’t reuse your application for several job applications – you certainly can – but if you use the standard Microsoft Word layout, chances are your recruiter has seen something similar hundreds of times, and you won’t catch their attention. Your layout does not have to be fancy, but make sure it looks presentable.
Make sure to proofread your cover letter. While we all make mistakes from time to time, having a cover letter full of typos can be detrimental to your application! Most companies are looking for detail-oriented staff, so make sure your application reflects this.
As cliché as it sounds: make sure you sell yourself in the best way possible. Don’t be scared to highlight your qualifications – it won’t come across as “braggy” as you might think. After all, the recruiter reading your cover letter is trying to determine whether you have the skills needed to do the job. Some recruiters even have certain keywords they look for, so improve your chances of getting that phone call by highlighting your skills and experiences!
Make sure you include your contact information. If a recruiter has 10 great CVs in front of them, only 1 position to fill, and your cover letter does not include your contact info… Well, then chances are they will probably try calling the other 9 applicants before trying to hunt you down.
Does writing a great cover letter still seem a bit overwhelming? Don’t worry – when you send us your cover letter and CV when applying for one of our jobs, your recruiter will have a look through it and provide you with feedback if anything needs to be changed before your profile can be presented to the company. We are here to help!
Happy cover letter writing from NJW!