Weekly update from Tallinn Office
Hello from springy Tallinn! You may have been wondering what we have been up to lately? I happily give you an overview!
We had a nice sunny week here in Tallinn and it sure felt good after all the dark and cold winter, it was 27 degrees! WoW! but.. It was only just a hint of a summer and now we are back in spring weather.
Mart-Kevin visited us again after 6 months and it was nice seeing him. And of course we had a little get together after work to celebrate the occasion and enjoy the weather to the max.
Lunch break at our office terrace.
We had a photoshoot and filming for a new video as well. Stay tuned for that!
Inka and Adam ready for the shoot day!
How are things in the recruitment? You have guessed it- busy as usual. Inka is busy helping Finnish and Swedish people find their next exciting jobs abroad; on the side, she is finishing Uni and no more lectures left, so she can fully commit to recruitment.
Me and Edvin are focusing a lot on IT recruitment since we launched the new brand. It’s definitely been challenging and a lot of new information, but that’s how the industry is and we are happy to be in this tech field!
Mart Kevin is back with the training after short break and balancing his life between recruitment and Ski Team. The team is growing, so busy and exciting times ahead!
Last but not least our Office Manager Adam. He had his birthday yesterday and we got to sing him and enjoy birthday cake together! Adam, as usual, is keeping us sane and focused in the times we are living now and of course- help Swedish people find a new job abroad.
That’s it from us, as you can read, we are busy with recruitment as usual, but also we find time to enjoy morning coffee breaks/lunches together and all the projects on the side. As we say in estonian: „Kes palju teeb see palju jõuab!“