Ready to launch your career abroad with your Nordic language skills? Our recruiters guide you from finding your dream job to relocating and starting your new adventure!

Candidate Journey
Our recruiters are great at finding the perfect job for you and helping you through the hiring process. We make sure you have all you need to succeed and land your dream job.
Talk to specialised recruiter
Our recruiters speak your language! Have a chat with our team to discuss your ambitions, both personal and professional, and they will match you with...
02 Step 02Get Your Application Started
Each recruitment process is different, and our recruiters are experts in advising you on any documents you will need to prepare to impress the company....
03 Step 03Interview Time
Before every interview you have, our recruiters will reach out to give you tried-and-true insight and tips on how to impress the specific company you...
04 Step 04Offer
​When you have completed the interviews, the company will hopefully make you an offer. Your recruiter will have shared all of the details with you...
05 Step 05Start your new job
​The last step is relocate to your new home if needed and start your new job!
Connect with the right team
Our native speaking recruiters set us apart from other agencies; you will be able to work closely with a recruiter who is a native speaker of your Nordic language, making sure that nothing gets ¨lost in translation¨. We are made up of language-based teams, and you can feel comfortable in the hands of our recruiters who understand you, your cultural background, and your aspirations to work abroad. Whether you speak Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, or Danish, we have a team of qualified native-speakers ready to guide you through the recruitment process.
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We'd love to hear from you
Are you ready to make your dreams of working abroad a reality? Even if you are at the beginning of your journey and are still unsure if moving to a new country is the right step for you, we'd love to hear from you. Let's have a chat about your goals and decide together if any of our vacancies match you, your experience, and your future plans. Simply register so that we can reach out to you to get to know you better and discuss the exciting vacancies we have available.